Main projects since 2004 in the railway sector
Since 2004, Raymond Railweb Consulting (formerly Railweb GmbH) has been supporting international railway projects in the following areas.
Development of combined transport / intermodal services
Rail transport of semi-trailers: For a European seaport, strategic study of solutions for the rail transport of road semi-trailers, including technologies for the vertical loading of non-cranable trailers and for fast horizontal loading of all trailers.
Market monitoring
Since 2016 |
Monitoring of trends in the development of infrastructure and rail-freight services within Europe, including Spain; between Europe and Asia, especially China; and in North America. See my October 2021 publications in English: my 51-page report on Sino-European rail and the translation of my article in CHEManager. |
Public policy
2018 |
Communications strategy development for Ferrmed, a Brussels-based organisation that lobbies European States on behalf of rail freight customers for improvements in infrastructure, rolling stock and operations. |
TAF TSI data exchange between railways
2016-2017 |
Cross-border survey on TAF TSI deployment: For a major European infrastructure manager (IM), survey of detailed implementation plans at four neighbouring countries’ IMs for the European TAF TSI standards on data exchange concerning rail freight. |
2015-2016 |
Online application: User-interface enhancement and international marketing of an online application for small rail freight operators (railway undertakings). It allows them to exchange data on train paths and compositions with other companies. |
2013-2014 |
In Europe: Study of the current implementation of European TSI standards for data exchange between railways for freight (TAF TSI) involving interviews with 46 key people at 31 organisations in eight countries. |
2012-2013 |
For two European railway groups: Implementation projects for TAF TSI. Focus: timing, consequences and opportunities. Domains: common interface, reference data, path request, train and path identifiers, preparation and tracking of trains in operation, and tracking of wagons. |
IT for rail freight
2010-2016 |
Operations and wagon fleets: Support for a German company in marketing and implementing in France its software for freight wagon fleet management and maintenance and for rail freight operations. Wrote a specification in French for the implementation of the software at a train operating company based in the Paris region. |
2004-2007 |
Operating plans: Helped introduce a US company’s software for freight operations planning at a French rail operator. Worked with users to establish terminology compatible with both internal usage and the software’s concepts. Supported a study for the software’s implementation in Switzerland. |
Rail operations planning
2008-2012 |
Operations planning: For a company that develops and applies software for rail operations planning, helped develop brochures, bids, annual reports and licence and maintenance contracts. |
2006 |
Resource planning: Developed an online help system for the users of an integrated resource planning software package for rolling stock and train drivers. |
2005 |
International path allocation: Documented the planning, order and allocation process for international train paths in Europe. |
Development of intermodal services
2011 |
Intermodal services: Studies for the development of intermodal services (rail-road combined transport)
- Supported a French port authority in the organisation of a container service offering coordinated connections between short-sea links and intermodal hinterland services.
- Strategic study for a major ocean shipping company on the implementation of their own European overland intermodal network.
- For a tri-national association of Mediterranean ports, strategic study for the development of intermodal hinterland services, taking into account rail capacity issues such as loading gauge, speed and train length.
2007-2009 |
Development in France: Studies for the development of rail freight in France. Focus: intermodal services and terminals, and international traffic with Germany and Switzerland. |
Rail infrastructure
2014-2018 |
Cable installation: For a French company whose machines lay cables along railway tracks, international communication and marketing, including website, videos, brochures, trade shows and customer acquisition. |
2010-2012 |
Track maintenance: Helped a German company market its track maintenance technology in the US. |
2010-2011 |
Electrical components for railway lines: Helped write the product catalogue of a supplier of electrical components for tracks, lines and catenary. |
Signalling and traffic control
Signalling: Marketing in France for a Swiss company whose interface technology connects interlocking systems of different manufacturers.
Signalling: For the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) convention of May 28 to June 1, 2018, in Switzerland, developed brochure, website and delegates’ handbook; drafted and assured fulfilment of sponsor contracts. |
Since 2012 |
Signalling: articles and presentations:
- Author of numerous articles for the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE).
- Presentations at conferences in London (September 2012) and Lille, France (November 2014) that compared positive train control (PTC) in the US and ERTMS.
2008-2009 |
Renewal in Croatia: In a project to renew signalling at the main station of Zagreb, Croatia, evaluated and recommended revisions to an EU funds application and to the subsequent call for tenders. |
2008 |
Guidance for train drivers: Surveyed systems in Switzerland and Europe that advise train drivers on optimal speed to minimise both energy use and delays when approaching conflict points. |
2007, 2010 |
Traffic control: For Swiss and German clients, studies for the implementation in North America of European systems for rail traffic control and for the training of dispatchers. |
2002-2003 |
Standardisation of interlocking systems: Core team member for Euro-Interlocking, a Zurich-based project of the International Union of Railways (UIC) to standardise requirements for interlocking systems in Europe. Helped coordinate and carry out the drafting, review and approval process for standards, including expert workshops. (This project preceded the creation of Railweb GmbH.) |
Engineering of railway vehicles
2012-2018 |
Engineering: Support for a European engineering group in developing marketing texts in the following areas: electrical and mechanical engineering, design of rolling stock and bogies, simulation and measurement, structural integrity, vibration and noise, expert opinions, procurement, supervision of manufacturing and acceptance. |
2010-2011 |
Screens for train drivers: Analysis of competitors and development of the marketing strategy for a manufacturer of display screens for train drivers. |
See also the curriculum vitae and publications of Raymond Railweb Consulting founder George Raymond.

Altenwerder zone, port of Hamburg, 18 September 2019. Photo George Raymond